International Curriculum

International Curriculum

The school offers a full-time international school education in English based on the Cambridge Curriculum, with students also studying the Khmer curriculum each day. Students are also given the opportunity to study Chinese language. The school year is organized into four terms. Our curriculum is designed for child learners beginning at Grade 1 and moving through to Year 12.

To complement our academic curriculum we offer many special activities, including excursions. Excursions are practical ways for our students to both socialise with their fellow students, and practice their English and other skills learned in class outside of the classroom setting. Our teachers ensure that the students have a positive educational experience when on excursions that they could never have in the classroom and that the outing ties in with the curriculum. An excursion or field trip helps students to ‘interact’ with what they are learning.

This learning experience goes beyond simply reading about it or listening to someone talk about it in class. If they can see it or participate in it physically and use the relevant English language in that setting, then they get an English learning experience and possibly a cultural experience that they may not have experienced before. Excursions also provide rewards and entertainment for our students. They can be a strong motivator and can build excitement in the students as the excursion comes closer. A break from the classroom routine provides students with an opportunity to bring their English and other learning ‘to life’ in a fun and relaxed way.

Excursions are fun, but students also learn and practise their English interaction with others and these new experiences become a critical component in the learning we provide, especially language learning. Our excursions are an extension of what students have recently learned in the classroom. Excursions demonstrate to students how English language can be applied to their everyday lives, and also give them an opportunity to bring their experiences back into the classroom for future English learning.

We believe that this approach fits in well with our belief of ‘learning by doing’ and provides immersion learning in English. As such, their abilities to communicate in English are significantly enhanced.

We are leaders in Battambang in this learning model that incorporates excursions and field trips.

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